The mail is here

Have you ever ordered something online and then sat by the door  and waited for it to arrive? Well it feels the same when someone tells you they sent you something in the mail. So when Robert messaged me and told me something was on its way I pulled out my waiting chair and sat by the door, he did say it was getting to me on Friday, that didn’t stop me.

You can imagine my excitement when I got home Friday after a long day at work ( and an even longer hour of me being stuck in traffic) and found a package waiting for me, I tried to open it right away, purse and cars keys in hand still, my mom had to tell me to put somethings down if I wanted to get it open any time soon. When I finally got it open, after what it felt like the biggest fight of my life against plastic wrapper and tape (you did great job with the packing Robert!), I was so happy and surprised to find out what was inside.

Lets connect
Let’s connect

Not to long ago I posted a little short story about how we never get letters in the mail anymore, unless we are talking about them bills that drive us all crazy, so when I opened it and found a letter and some CDs you know I went crazy happy, I mean talk about taking it all the way back to 1999, I don’t even own a CD player anymore I had to go seat in my car after dinner to listen to them, and the fact that he took the time to pick up a pen and hand write a letter for me! It is one of the best gifts anyone has ever given me, so thank you Robert, I really appreciated.

You guys probably remember Robert from my collaboration post Bridges and if you do then you know that he likes to incorporate music to his post, so today I am going to follow his steps and add a video of my favorite track so far of the ones he sent me, it only seems fair to do so. And although he told me to start with an other album this has been the one playing in my car all day, hope you guys enjoy this song as much as I am, jamming to it right now, this is a live version.

Now Im finishing this to go out take some photos, thanks for the inspiration and the love!

Here’s to my first post with music, good friends, great gifts and lots of talent to share!

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7 thoughts on “The mail is here”

      1. Isn’t it funny how we were all so excited for email when home computers became the norm? Now, we realize just how precious handwritten snail mail​ really is. Even better when it accompanies goodies! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I did. Probably the first time I’ve ever seen my handwriting immortalized on a photo! I also somehow neglected to notice that you had Itunes loading on the computer as well 😉


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