I don’t really like rancheras

Everyone up and writing about the New Year and how we all wish each other love, peace, hope, etc., but I have to take a second to rant just a little. Why am I ranting you may ask, it’s a new year I should be in a happier mood, and I am not get me wrong, but if I hear one more person act all surprise when they hear me singing or saying that I like country music I will punch them in the face.

So because I am Hispanic I am only supposed to like rancheras ? To be honest I don’t even think I know how rancheras sound, ok that’s a lie I do know, but that type music is not even from my country, if you think this way you’re basically saying all Hispanics are Mexicans, and I’m guessing we all work construction and eat tacos for dinner. I don’t understand why people are so surprise when I mention Blake Shelton’s name, is country music only limited to white people or something?? I guess I shouldn’t listen to Kanye West neither because it seems he would exclusivity be reserved for black people ears. I mean I get it, stereotypes are funny 99% of the time, I am one that laughs at this type of jokes, but that is what they are jokes, when you seriously and honestly believe I should not know country music based on the fact that I was not born and raised in this country I wish I could punch you in the face and make you learn a thing or two.

It is surprising the amount of times this has happened to me since I moved to Louisiana, I use the country music example because I was just in a situation like this morning, but I get people asking me really weird and stupid questions all the time, like “Do you have cars and planes in the DR? “How did you get to the US, like did you use a boat or something?” or “OMG there’s internet in your country?” , first of all is DR no The DR, and yes we are a “third world country ” but in this times and with all the advances humanity has done in every aspect of life I find it incredible for people, that have finished school and are somewhat educated, to think this way. I honestly don’t even know what to think, is the majority of the state stupid, ignorant to other cultures or just racist? I understand that there is not a big hispanic population here like there is in New York or Miami and that knowledge of other culture might be limited, but there is this thing called the Internet and you can use it to learn new things, you can also find really funny videos of cats and dogs being extra cute, it is great.

Is the future of this country in the hands of this people? I really hope no and that all these encounters are just isolated coincidences and the rest and majority of the country is well-rounded and informed. This is a great country, I love it as if it was mines and it would hurt to see it lose its greatness just because this growing and future generations choose to be ignorant.

Ok rant over, feel free to like, comment or share!!!


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